Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I'd ask where the summer has gone—"How has it flown by so quickly?" or "It feels like it just started, doesn't it?"—but I know exactly where it was spent: away from our home.

Sunday was our first day solidly back home as a family of three with no immediate plans to go anywhere in at least 6 weeks. I loved all the travel this summer, but with some unexpected trips and family commitments thrown in, August became a bit of a suitcase marathon. Once returned to our condo, I was in heaven. I puttered around the house, watched shows that were DVRed, made our portion of the ravioli that we made from scratch last week with extended family, and glowed in the "nothingness to do but be right here" of it all. I did not get out of my pajamas. I drank coffee in the morning, wine with dinner. Can you feel the relaxation?

Of course, by roughly 3:00 p.m., while my hubby was safely out of child tantrum-range at the gym, our daughter began to bristle at being a homebody. My bad. Kids need more activity, even in their relaxation, than their 40-year old moms. (Moms, remember this the next time you read an article where you are implored to take care of yourself first, so you have enough to give to the little ones: those little ones are willing to take you totally depleted if you show up and do their stuff). After some general contrariness, a teary kid explained to me that she really was sad she hadn't had enough playdates and sleepovers this summer. She needed more. "This is part of being an only-child, Mom. You can NEVER understand."

Please join me in a moment of stifled laughter.

Thank you.

I told her I'd be happy to arrange more playdates in the future, but we should probably review her summer, and evaluate if her tears were due to the letdown that comes with all the fun she has had, the inevitable end to weeks and weeks of fun activities. Here was her summer, in a nutshell:

Last day of school: Carnival during school hours (with face-painting, her favorite), then tea at the Drake hotel

Week One: KidCamp (super-fun, kid-led day camp here in Chicago)

Week Two: Girl Scout Camp (detective themed, she earned a badge and learned morse code)

End of Week Two: Family reunion with many cousins

Week Three: KidCamp

Fourth of July Weekend: Parade and picnic/party with friends from California and Wisconsin

Weeks Four-Five: ArtCamp (her absolute favorite)

End of Week Five: Birthday, including sleepover with dear friend for two nights, and an entire day + shopping spree at American Girl

Beginning of Week Six: Birthday lunch with all four grandparents, and shopping spree at favorite clothing store

Week Six-Seven: Trip to California (every night was a sleepover with kid friends, including a camp out in Yosemite and a birthday encore)

Week Eight: Back home for three days. Pool. Chicago activities. Fun.

Week Nine: Impromptu trip to DC to visit more great friends. Sleepover included. Parties with swimming. Junior ranger activities.

End of Week Nine: Homemade ravioli making with extended family in Wisconsin

Week Ten: Entire week of grandparent attention (favorite foods, favorite activities, brand new clothes/toys/tchotchkes)

End of Week Ten: Grandparents arrive for American Girl encore, purchase Girl of the Year Doll for her.

It's really sad, right? Her summer has been R-O-U-G-H. Being an only child is the worst.

Included in this list of our family's activities are a stroke scare for my mom, and surgeries for both
my mom and my dad. These didn't stop her fun, though.

Now that I am back, I have much to write about from this busy summer, included (but not limited to):

1) Parents, and why they shouldn't go to the hospital, because is is miserable
2) BlogHer '14, the fun, the things I learned, and the swag I took home
3) Traveling to places you'd like to call home, as well as places you used to call home but now call vacation
4) Condo (almost) sales
5) School: there is so much coming about school

I may also post pictures of cute puppies I am seeing online that I want to adopt, like this guy

You know, because...PUPPIES.